You have settled well into your seat at the movie theater, waiting for the movie you have paid for to start. Then you get a nagging and scary feeling that you have forgotten something important at home. Could it be that you didn’t lock the door or you left the oven on? Or could it be something worse than this?
This is what exactly happened to residents of Durham, North Carolina in 2015 when a mother was visiting her daughter. They all agreed to go out to watch a movie, and when they were settled, one of them had this nagging feeling. She convinced the rest to drive back home only to find the house in smoke. She found out that the stove had been left on. What could have happened if she had not heeded this nagging feeling and returned to the house?
It’s this near disaster that prompted Akshita Iyer and Ranjith, who are members of this family to create Inirv. They are both graduates of Duke University and used their knowledge to design a safety system which will monitor smoke, heat and sounds out alarm if the recommended level is exceeded. However, this system can only be useful is someone is at home.
While the first of this product had some design and esthetic problems, the inventors found a partner who ensures that there is a great prototype that was to be launched in January 2017 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
The Inirv React is easy to install and sends out an alarm when a higher level of smoke or heat is detected in the kitchen. This is also the case when no movement is detected in the kitchen for about 15 minutes, and the stove is left running, meaning nobody is using the stove.
There are knobs that are connected to the burner and this unit sends out signals via Bluetooth, instructing the knobs to turn off the burners. You can also turn off the burners from an app that is in stalled in your phone. Also available in the app is a feature that allows you lock the knobs so that kids cannot put it on while you are not at home. This product has been a huge success and massive media coverage has been given to it.
With more than 170,000 homes getting fire every year in the United States (according to The National Fire Protection Association), the Inirv React has proven to be one of the best solutions that is out there today. It helps to make life not only easier, but also safer.